Home » All India Revolutionary Women’s organisation(AIRWO) 5th All India Conference was successfully held

All India Revolutionary Women’s organisation(AIRWO) 5th All India Conference was successfully held

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All India Revolutionary Women’s organisation(AIRWO) 5th All India Conference was successfully held

AIRWO 5th All India Conference was held on March 7th and 8th at Com. Sharmistha Hall( Ghandhi Bhawan) Bengaluru. Representatives from the state of Karnataka, Odisha, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi and Chhattisgarh were participated in this conference. Ex. Minister and Renowned Scholar B.T Lalita  inaugurated the conference. On the occasion  of International Women’s Day a Seminar  was conducted on March 8th on  “Challenges Faced by Women in the New Fascist Context and the Task of the Revolutionary Women’s Movement”. New Central committee of 23 members and Executive Committee of 5 members were elected at the conference.Com. Manthi Selvi as General Secretary and Com. Urmila as Chairperson was elected. AIRWO Programme and Constitution, Organizational Report and the Resolution on Immediate Task was approved in the conference. Apart from that various resolutions ie-  Against Manuvadi Hindutva Fascist  Oppression upon women, Dalit, Adivasis, minorities and toiling masses in the country especially in the so-called Hindurashtra Uttar Pradesh where by the Fascist Yogi’ s Bulldozer Raj killed mother and daughter of Allahabad, against Gas price hike, support to holidays during menstrual cycle, against Fascist repression on Gulfisha, Safoora, Natasha, Dewangana like students of Jamia, JNU, DU and all other universities, withdraw of all cases against them, stop saffron Fascist goon ABVP like forces in higher education campuses, against tribal girls trafficking in Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand, stop rape and fake encounters against tribal women by Armed forces in Bastar Chhattisgarh and Orissa. Messages/ Greetings from  ICOR (International Coordination of Revolutionary Organization’s), Azra Mubeen ( Fighter of Shahin Bag Ghantaghar Lucknow movement), Dr. Nandini Dhar (Radical Faminist and Writer) and Vijaylaxmi ( CCM AIFRTE and Author) were read out .

In the conference, delegates expressed concern over on the trend of pulling back of society to old centuries in the context of neo-fascist regime by RSS with its ideological basis of Manuvadi Hindutva.

Women’s livelihoods and rights are being taken away.  Muslim women are totally isolated from the society. Dalit-Adivasi women are gang-raped in public and their lives are under threat. All our country’s resources are given to Adani, Ambani and other corporates. Indian people are held up in very critical situation. All comrades in the conference decided that unitedly and resolutely fight against  Sanghi Manuvadi Fascists, the patron of Patriarchy and the goons of Corporate Capitalist fight for gender equality, casteless, secular and for an egalitarian society free from religious fanatics.

This important AIRWO national conference successfully concluded with enthusiastic fighting sprit in the evening of 8th March 2023. 

Manthi Selvi
General Secretary
On behalf of AIRWO Central Committee
March 10, 2023

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