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Red Salute to Veteran Comrade R Duraisamy !

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Red Salute to Veteran Comrade R Duraisamy !

CPI (ML) Red Star Central Committee put on record its Red Salute to Comrade R Duraisamy who had been Central Committee member of the Party for more than a decade from 2011 to 2022 till the Party’s 12th Congress in 2022. Due to health problems, Com Duraisamy could not attend the 12th Congress held in Kozhikode, Kerala in September 2022. In the meantime, Comrade was Tamil Nadu State Secretary of the Party for two terms, during the 10th and 11th Congress of the Party. At the time of his departure late night on May 19, 2023, Comrade was 78 years old.

Being the son of a plantation worker from Ariyallur who settled in Walparai, Comrade Duraisamy also continued as a worker at Jayashree Plantation owned by Birla. Since 1995 onward, Comrade Duraisamy was working as leading member of the Party at the State level, and since the formation of TUCI, under its banner fought many struggles for the basic rights of workers, especially for reducing the working time of plantation workers from 12 hours (6 am to 6 pm) to 8 hours. Following continuous struggle for two years, the plantation management suspended Comrade, but reinstated him after 3 years.

After retirement for a period Comrade Duraisamy and family were in Coimbatore and now have settled at Ariyalur, his native place. His life partner Com. Scenbagam, who also was a plantation worker, is a close associate of the Party. Comrade has a daughter and a son who is in his graduate course.

CPI (ML) Red Star extends its heartfelt condolences to all of his family members and to all comrades in Tamil Nadu who love him.

Red Salute to Comrade Duraisamy!

P J J James
General Secretary
CPI (ML) Red Star
May 20, 2023.

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