Fight against the Corporate Capital and Hindutva Fascism !
Advance Towards 10th All India Conference of the Trade Union Centre of India (TUCI)
The super-exploitation of the working class all over the world continues without any let up. In the far-right situation today, in order to crush the struggle of the proletariat against this, the neoliberal state all over the world are resorting to neo-fascist oppression. New labour laws are being enacted in all countries for snatching away all hard-earned rights of the workers, impose wage cuts, withdrawing legal protections, denying right to organize, creating unprecedented unemployment and so on.
As part of this, the Modi government is engaged in replacing the existing 44 central laws with pro-corporate 4 labour codes, pushing workers to the status of bonded labourers. Curtailing the organised sector, the corporate-fascist regime is encouraging the rapid growth of unorganised sector where minimum wage and 8-hour work are inapplicable and where outsourcing, contract work, ‘hire and fire’, etc., can easily be enforced. The ultimate objective is to increas corporate loot by extending the labour-time and reducing the wage as much as possible.
The Central Trade Unions which are supposed to organise the working class against this biggest corporate onslaught, have already degenerated to economism and reformism, and except taking up legal tasks have already become incapable to take up the political struggle of the working class against the far-right neoliberal, and anti-worker policies of the corporate-fascist regime.
It is in this critical situation that TUCI is holding its 10th All India Conference in Bhubaneswar on 27-29 January, 2024. A 43-member Reception Committee is formed formed yesterday at a meeting held in the City. Noted environmentalist and social activist Shri Praful Samantara is the Chairman of the Reception Committee, left intellectual and activist Shimanta Mahanti, the Vice-president and Comrade Shankar Inquilab as the Secretary. The Reception Committee comprises leaders of workers, farmers, women, Adivasis, Dalit Organisations, Slum Dwellers Movements, youth and students. Along with Delegates elected from TUCI state conferences, representatives from fraternal organisations within India and abroad will participate in the Conference.
The conference is an important step towards providing revolutionary political orientation to the working class movement. It will chalk out concrete plans for building-up appropriate organisation of workers in the unorganized sector where more more than 95 percent of the Indian working class is engaged for sustenance. The Conference intends to rebuild TUCI as an organisation suitable for the working class to fight for freedom, democracy and socialism in caste-ridden Indian society with a clear perspective on caste annihilation which is indispensable for the unity of Indian working. In the same vein, the Conference will take up the immediate task of throwing away corporate-Hindutva fascism.
R. Manasayya
Central Coordinator
Sankara Inquilab
Coordinator, Odisha
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