Screening “Kerala Story by Church Suits Its Time -tested Fascist Orientation!
Those who have gone through the declassified documents from Vatican archives and are aware of the despicable role played by Roman Catholic Church during the “holocaust days” will not be astonished by the screening of Islamophobic “Kerala Story” by the Catholic Church in Kerala in the present fascist situation. When Hitler was massacring the Catholics, on account of its extreme anti-Semitism, the Vatican had been continuing it’s unholy nexus with fascist Hitler and Mussolini.
In the same vein, as reported from Manipur and from other parts of India, while Christians are wantonly attacked and churches are demolished by Hindutva fascist goons, it is due to their extreme “anti-Muslimness” that the Church leaders are resorting to this highly condemnable move of screening an Islamophobic film to its students and young generations. Obviously, in the context of Lok Sabha Election, its added dimension is to influence Christain voters towards fascists and to their allies at the helm of affairs in Kerala now, who are faithfully implementing all fascist policies.
P J James
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