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Red Salute to Comrade Radhakka !

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Red Salute to Comrade Radhakka !
CPI (ML) Red Star puts on record it’s revolutionary tributes to veteran Communist Revolutionary leader Comrade Radhakka (alias Nirmalakka) who departed on 11 June. Beginning her revolutionary life as a student activist, following Naxalbari, she joined the revolutionary movement led by Comrade CP Reddy playing a leading role in Godavari valley Resistance Struggle She had to face police repression, was subjected to conspiracy charges, and then undergoing jail life too. Meanwhile, she was elected to its then AP State Committee. And later she became a Central Committee member of CPI(ML) Resistance.
On this occasion, together with our Red Salute to Comrade Radhakka, CPI (ML) Red Star also extends its heartfelt condolences to all her beloved comrades and friends.
CPI (ML) Red Star

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