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Bulldozer Raj

by admin
wo years ago, a Muslim boy named Asif Khan legally married a Hindu girl in Dindori, Madhya Pradesh. The girl’s family was against it.
The district team magistrate who was there ordered Asif Khan’s house and shops to be bulldozed…
Last month in Madhya Pradesh’s Ujjain, a tribal woman was gang-raped by a Muslim and a Hindu.
Muslim’s house was bulldozed. Hindu’s house remains untouched…
A week ago in Rajasthan’s Udaipur, a Muslim boy beat up a Hindu boy who was studying with him.
It turned into a communal issue… The house where the boy lived was demolished….
The boy and his family were staying in that house on rent. It was an autorickshaw driver’s house.
But the autorickshaw driver, Rashid Khan, is a Muslim….that is enough to bulldoze…. the district administration ordered it….
Islamophobia is gaining strength in the country at an alarming rate….it has taken hold of all sections of society…police, courts and various administrative systems have become the forces implementing this anti-Islamism…
Islamophobia is gaining strength in all areas of Kerala, as mentioned above, beyond the rhetoric that it is a secular iron fortress on the Sahya Parvat.
There is nothing to say to the “Koopamandukas” (frogs in well),  who think what happens in Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan cannot happen here.
Instead, the democratic, progressive forces must demonstrate a sense of unity against the anti-democratic and anti-secular tendencies that are gaining ground across India.
___(From Facebook posts)

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