Home » Election Results Reveal People’s Anti-Fascist Sentiment & Opposition’s Failure to Utilise it !

Election Results Reveal People’s Anti-Fascist Sentiment & Opposition’s Failure to Utilise it !

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The J&K election result is a verdict of the people against Modi government’s fascist policies including abrogation of Article 370, and is very heart-warming, especially in this most critical period in the entire history of J&K. However the hat-trick win for the fascist “double engine” in Haryana which is surprising even to the fascists themselves, is the direct outcome of the political bankruptcy of the Opposition including the bickering within the Congress. This time, still with 1.82% of the votes, the BSP allying with INLD could perform it’s usual role of dividing the anti-BJP votes, even as the RSS/BJP managed to consolidate the Dalit and lower-caste votes along with the fascist bandwagon.
At the same time, more revealing is the role of “post-ideological” AAP which was a part of the India Alliance till the announcement of Haryana election. Surprisingly,  Kejriwal who was released on bail on the eve of election declared his abrupt withdrawal from India Alliance and contested all the 90 seats securing 1.79% votes. While the failure of the Congress to keep Kejriwal as part of the Alliance is glaring, it is high time on the part of latter and other anti-BJP parties to clearly grasp the role of AAP as a flexible fascist tool as was evident in the past elections. As such though Congress could increase its vote-share by 11%, with the help of divisive forces like AAP,  BSP etc., the fascist forces succeeded in consolidating their position by effectively dividing the anti-fascist votes.
To be precise, as the election trends amply indicate, the people are ready to rise up against the corporate-fascist forces. But as the Haryana results show, it is the political bankruptcy and organisational weakness of the self-professed anti-BJP parties that act as hindrance to the defeat of the fascists in election. This critical situation can be overcome only by building up the broadest possible front of the genuine anti-fascist forces having   a firm ideological-political orientation from the perspective of the long-term interests of the workers and all oppressed including the Dalits, minorities and women.
P J James
General Secretary
CPI (ML) Red Star
New Delhi

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