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Red Salute to Comrade Saibaba!

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CPI (ML) Red Star extends its revolutionary tributes to former Delhi University Prof. GN Saibaba, who was incarcerated more than a decade under fascist draconian laws and acquitted a few months back due to lack of evidence and prosecution’s failure to prove charges against him. We also extend our heartfelt condolences to all his compatriots.
Though the immediate cause for Prof. Saibaba’s death may be attributed to post-operative complications, the fascist regime is responsible for his premature death by keeping wheelchair-bound Saibaba for several years in prison. Anybody can understand the impact of long-years of incarceration on a  differently-abled and wheelchair-bound person in inhuman prison-conditions.
According to international human-rights law,  upholding an ideological position is not a crime,  and that is upheld by judiciary too on many occasions. And fully knowing this, putting a person in jail for alleged Maoist links, especially when he is differently-abled and when his health was fast deteriorating, is an outright violation of human rights. It is against the basic democratic right to express one’s dissent as well as right to free expression.
While resolutely condemning the fascist legality behind the premature death of Comrade Saibaba, once again we put on record our revolutionary tributes to him.
Down with Fascism!
P J James
General Secretary
CPI (ML) Red Star
New Delhi

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