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CPI (ML) Red Star All India Plenum Successfully Completed

Plenum held from 22nd to 24th November 2024 at Barnala, Punjab

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CPI (ML) Red Star All India Plenum Successfully Completed
Plenum held from 22nd to 24th November 2024 at Barnala, Punjab
All India Plenum of CPI (ML) Red Star was held from 22nd to 24th November at Amar Shahid Beant Singh Moom Hall (Tarksheel Bhavan), Sant Ram Udasi Nagar (Tarksheel Chowk), Barnala, Punjab.
Over a hundred delegates elected and represented by 15 states all over the country and overseas actively participated in the proceedings, discussions and important decisions of this All India Plenum.
The Plenum formally started with flag hoisting by the Party General Secretary Comrade P J James at Comrade Sant Ram Udaisi Nagar (Tarksheel Chowk) at 10 AM on 22nd November with enthusiastic revolutionary slogans by delegates and comrades from Punjab. After a brief speech by the General Secretary, a one-minute silence was observed in commemoration of the eternal Martyrs who sacrificed for the cause of the emancipation of the oppressed class and masses in the hitherto history. The public meeting started at 11 PM at Amar Shahid Beant Singh Moom Hall (Tarksheel Bhavan), presided by CPI (ML) Red Star Punjab State Secretary Com Labh Singh. Party General Secretary Comrade P J James inaugurated the public meeting. Com. P J James emphasized the political relevance of the All India Plenum in Punjab during the present critical time when the neofascist offensive is intensified at alarming levels, both international and national levels. Various leaders of the Party were also addressed at the public meeting. Party Polit Bureau member Com Tuhin welcomed and conducted the meeting.
The Plenum delegate session started at 2 PM with a presentation and adoption of the Presidium, Steering Committee, Minutes, and Translation panels. The Party General Secretary presented the Draft Plenum Document of the Central Committee for discussion and finalization by the Plenum. The Plenum and its draft document aimed to revisit the activities of the Party from its 9th Congress in 2011 till 12th Congress in 2022,  self-critically analyses its political and ideological issues and try to rectify to move ahead more vigorously in the path of accomplishing its immediate and long term tasks. An in-depth discussion was followed after the presentation of the draft document, till 8 PM on 22nd November. The discussion on the presented draft document was resumed at 9 AM on 23rd November which continued till 8 PM. On the last day, on 24th November, the discussion by the delegate further continued, from 9 AM till 4 PM.  Nearly half of the delegates, 47 members, participated in this long discussion in 3 days. On behalf of the Central Committee, the General Secretary replied to all points raised by the delegates and the Plenum house unanimously adopted the Plenum document, after incorporating various constructive suggestions by the delegates.
The Plenum also adopted 7 resolutions – on Fascism, on the victory of Trump, In solidarity with Palestine liberation struggle, Condemning MLPD’s slanderous attack on CPI (ML) Red Star, On Political lessons from latest election result in India, on intensified attack of Hindutva fascist on Muslims, Dalits, Adivasis and Women, demanding to declare of Wynadu (Kerala) landslide disaster as national disaster – unanimously. On behalf the Registration Committee, Com Saura, Polit Bureau member of the party, presented the credential report. Com Labh Singh, Punjab State Secretary of the Party, introduced the reception committee consisting of leading comrades in Punjab state. On behalf of the Presidium and Central Committee, Com Sankar, Polit Bureau member of the party, thanked to the entire team of the reception committee whose relentless effort made this Plenum completed in a good manner.
 On behalf of the 7-member panel of Presidium, Com R Manasayya declared the All India Plenum was concluded, at 6.30  PM. The Presidium also requested all delegates to march towards Martyr Colum at the Sant Ram Udaisi Nagar to lower the Party Flag. With background of enthusiastic slogans from all delegates, Party General Secretary Com P J James lowered the flag followed by singing of the Communist International in various Indian languages by the delegates representing each state.
All delegates, leading comrades and represented by all states, returned to their places firmly resolving to march forward with Plenum decisions, based on the ideological–political line of the party and to intensify the struggle in the path of its tasks.

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