Home » Rise Up Against the Deadliest Zionist Massacre of Palestinians!

Rise Up Against the Deadliest Zionist Massacre of Palestinians!

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Shame on International Community and the Arab World Remaining as Onlookers!!

Israel through its biggest-ever single -day attack on Gaza has massacred over 500 defenceless and starving Palestinians, around one-third of them being children and women, including personnel of Gaza administration, and inflicting widespread destruction. This deadliest attack amidst the so called truce process, surpasses the criminalities committed during the 18- month long genocide unleashed on Gaza by US-Zionist axis killing around 61700 people. As usual, the weapons used in the latest bombardments are also those supplied by US as well as coordinated and backed by it. With this, the Zionist ethnic cleansing of Palestinians has definitely entered a new phase.

This deadliest massacre is committed after a prolonged blockade of food, water, electricity and even essential medicines. It is a pre-planned assault in continuation of the US attack on Yemen, and effectively utilising the new opportunities of replenishment of weapons supplied by US for the renewed offensive. Obviously, this attack follows the usual pattern of intensifying horrors during the holy month of Ramzan. By shattering ceasefire and intensifying war, while Netanyahu wants to continue in power with the support of far-right neo-Zionists, Trump’s intention is to occupy the entire Gaza strip by relocating or exterminating the Palestinians for transforming it into a tourist resort and a permanent US base.

While US imperialism, with its unending history of committing holocausts upon holocausts on defenceless people, uses Israel, its military outpost in Middle East, for its geopolitical interests and unleashing genocide on Palestinians, it is not only painful but even shameful that the international community and the entire Arab world are remaining as mere onlookers or spectators. It is high time on the part of all anti-imperialist and anti-fascist democratic forces to rise up to the occasion for halting this US- Zionist holocaust on the Palestinian people.

P J James
General Secretary
CPI (ML) Red Star

New Delhi

Note: Links for our earliest statement on this issue dated 17th and 27th January 2025 in which we have pointed about the trap by Yankee – Zionist nexus under the guise of Ceasefire:



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