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Martyrdom Day of Bhagat Singh-Rajguru-Sukhdev and Avtar Singh Pash Observed at Rehati, Sehore District

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AIRSO and RYFI Madhya Pradesh comrades organized a Public Discussion on 23rd March, 2024, the Martyrdom Day of Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev, Rajguru and Avtar Singh Pash at Rehati, Sehore District. Com. Sandeep Kalam, State Secretary of AIRSO, Madhya Pradesh convened the meeting. Com. Vijay Kumar, RYFI State Convenor, spoke about the importance of Bhagat Singh’s thoughts in advancing the student-youth movement and working class movement in a revolutionary direction. He also emphasized on the question of unemployment faced by the youth and the working class, while keeping them as a reserve army of labour. Com. Niranjan, representing AIRSO COC, spoke on Bhagat Singh’s thoughts on education, the current attack on education by the corporate-fascist regime, and the necessity to wage uncompromising struggle against them and also channelise these struggles towards the revolutionary transformation of society and education. Comrade Faheem Sarfarosh, from the Caste Annihilation Movement (CAM) said, that Bhagat Singh was one of the first among the revolutionaries who addressed the Dalits as the working class of India. Bhagat Singh firmly upheld that their liberation can’t happen through any gradualism. It can be attained only by starting with a social agitation and advancing it to an economic and political revolution. Com. Faheem also quoted Avtar Singh Pash who was martyred on 23rd March, “The most dangerous thing in the world is the death of our dreams.” He emphasized the necessity to be hopeful that this oppressive system can be changed. Com. Smriti, a State Committee Member of AIRSO said, the systemic exploitation of women, which can’t be isolated from this socio-economic system, is also getting intensified day by day. The labour of women is not even considered labour. They are crushed in domestic slavery. Not just the working class movement or the students movement but also the women’s movement must take inspiration from Bhagat Singh’s thoughts. The programme ended with revolutionary songs and poems.

Sandeep Kalam
State Secratary
AIRSO Madhya Pradesh

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