Home » Revolutionary Cultural Forum ( RCF ) vehemently condemned to prosecution sanction against Arundhati Roy 

Revolutionary Cultural Forum ( RCF ) vehemently condemned to prosecution sanction against Arundhati Roy 

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Press Release
 Revolutionary Cultural Forum ( RCF ) vehemently condemned to prosecution sanction against Arundhati Roy
In another attempt to curb the dissenting voices Fascist Modi Government gives prosecution sanction against Arundhati Roy, the noted writer and consistent critic of the Hindutva agenda. She has been vocal against all the anti people activities perpetrated by those who are at the helm of affairs. After the completion of the swearing in ceremony the ruling dispensation has started baring it’s claws who are directed against the trenchant critics of the  far right neo fascist government who take up the cudgel to dismantle the nefarious design of the government. It is reported that Delhi Lieutenant Governor Vinay Kumar Saxena has granted sanction to prosecute Arundhati Roy under  draconian UAPA for an event which happened way back in 2010.That means inspite of routing in general elections ,RSS- BJP is not ready to restrain it’s policy of repression against writers, artists, students and all those critiques who vocal against fascist Sangh parivar and majoritarian hindutva politics.
We unequivocally condemn this act which is nothing but a blatant attempt to silence all the conscientious and democratic voices. This government like its previous avatar is trying to muzzle all the dissenting opinions.
We vehemently protest against this dastardly move and urge all the democratic people, cultural activists and organisations to condemn this despicable attempt of the  fascist modi govt under the guidance of RSS.
       Tuhin ,Asim Giri , Venugopal
     On behalf of
     Revolutionary Cultural Forum ( RCF)
15 th June 2024

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