Home » Observe 15 August as Anti-Imperialist, Anti-Fascist Day !

Observe 15 August as Anti-Imperialist, Anti-Fascist Day !

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Observe 15 August as Anti-Imperialist, Anti-Fascist Day !
While 15 August is celebrated as Indian Independence Day, it becomes only formal since the very same fascist forces, who never saw British imperialism as enemy and hence abstained themselves from the independence struggle, are now  controlling the reins of Indian regime today. Even after the 18th Lok Sabha election in which BJP, the political tool of RSS, failed to get a majority-mark in parliament, the far-right, neofascist offensive is continuing under Modi.3 without any let up. That’s, though relatively weakened at the parliamentary level, RSS, with its deep-rooted fascist tentacles spread over the entire economy, polity, culture, education, scientific research, etc., and through its continuing clout over civil and military administration and judiciary, and through hundreds of open and secret organisations, and, above all, effectively using the legal and administrative foundations already laid down under Modi.1 and 2, is still capable to enforce its diktats. To be precise, in spite of the weakness of the BJP in parliament, the far-right, nefoascist, crony-capitalist, Brahmanic and Islamophobic policies of Modi regime are still intensifying, in consonance with surging neofascism at a global level.
The latest manifestation of this reactionary, neofascist offensive is self-evident from the recent Editorial of RSS-affilated Panchajanya that eulogises Caste repeating what Golwalkar said on Caste during the colonial period. In his Bunch of Thoughts, Golwalkar had identified Indian nationalism with Casteism. In tune with this, the said Editorial has interpreted ‘betrayal of caste as betrayal of nation’ itself. In the same vein, the the Editorial has also reiterated the RSS position that a Caste Census will be detrimental to social harmony and national unity.  This adulation of Caste, world’s oldest and most inhuman social stratification, by Hindutva fascists and their opposition to caste-based reservation are the biggest challenge to i majority of the toiling and oppressed Indians today.
Obviously, the majoritarian Hindurashtra offensive of RSS/BJP is intertwined with its far-right, neoliberal agenda of serving the most corrupt corporate capital, both global and Indian. Under the Modi regime, parliament has become an edifice, a spectator while policy decisions are made in corporate board-rooms. Today, India has become a typical example of flourishing crony capitalism that is defined as ‘business-politician-bureaucrat nexus’. Its latest manifestation is the strange spectacle of ruling BJP openly coming out defending  not only Adani but also the CEO of SEBI following Hindenburg’s revealing allegations against both.
 While this August 15 is the 78th anniversary of Power Transfer from British colonialists, India’s inequality has grown up further as the number of super-rich billionaires and the share of national wealth held by them today have reached horrific proportions compared to 1947. Today India has become a ‘citadel of global poverty’,  a wasteland of unemployment and one among the most corrupt countries in the world. Super-exploitation of the working and toiling people and unhindered corporate plunder of nature know no bounds in this country. India’s labour laws, taxation, industrial and agricultural policies and environmental regulations are framed in such a way as to facilitate the reactionary corporate capital, both imperialist and Indian, the latter being former’s junior partner. All those who criticise or question these policies are stigmatised as anti-nationals and being subjected to draconian laws.
Taking in to account this concrete reality in the proper perspective, the Central Committee of CPI (ML) Red Star has resolved to observe 15 August 2024 as Anti-imperialist, Anti-Fascist Day. All State Committees and Party Committees at all levels are requested to come forward appropriately observing it according to the concrete situation of States putting the interests of the working class and all oppressed in the forefront. The Party also appeals to all progressive-democratic forces and well-meaning people for their  wholehearted cooperation and solidarity in this regard.
P J James
General Secretary
CPI (ML) Red Star
New Delhi
14th August 2024

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