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Working Class and Oppressed Peoples of the World have to Guard Against the Bouncing Back of Trumpism 
Trump’s electoral victory is a rare instance of a former US president facing felony charges and other serious crimes being relected as President. It shows the extreme cultural decay and degradation of ruling class polittics today. The ascendancy of far-right and neofascist  Trump as the 47th President of US also underscores the political bankruptcy of the Democratic Party and the Biden regime, who in the absence of a viable political alternative to domestic economic crisis or to the Palestine  question, were tailing behind and playing second fiddle to Trump throughout the election campaign.
Of course, Trumpism, quite reminiscent of Reaganomics of the late 1970s and early 1980s that inaugurated neoliberalism following the collapse of Keynesianism, is rooted in a far-right, ultra-nationalist, isolationalist and protectionist policy with the motto ‘America First’. Domestically, Trumpism, with its conspicuous intimacy with corporate giants including Musk-like richest billionaires coupled with US Military-Industrial-Complex, stands for unfettered and uncontrolled operation of finance capital, minimum corporate taxes and abolition of all state-led welfare programs and social security measures.  All these, including the anti-working class and anti-people policies associated with Trumpism will further intensify the inherent social crises and tensions in US society.
Hailed as a neoconservative Evangelist, racist, xenophobic, mysogynist and Islamophobic, Trump’s stand against working class, asylum-seekers, immigrants, indigenous people together  with African-Americans and Hispanics and all oppressed including women is already known. Under Trumpism, while thier living condition in US is going to deteriorate further in the days ahead, the ground is ready for horrific levels of corporate weath accumulation leading to hitherto unknown levels of inequality in US.
In relation to the Palestine question in particular, Trump’s priorities will be dictated by the interests of US Military-Industrial Complex. It was Trump, who as President in his previous term, took the initiative for making Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, thereby st on the wounds of Palestinians. In conformity with this, he has already appointed diehard Zionists and neo-conservatives as his policy advisers and administrative heads. Today, around 20 percent of US foreign aid directly goes to Israel alone which is likely to go up further under Trump, with its genocidal repercussions on Palestinians and across West Asia.
 Since ‘America First’ is Trump’s basic foreign policy orientation whose essence is protectionism and isolationism, concrete and accurate evaluation of it would be in order after his formal ascendance to the throne in January 2025. However, as a real-estate tycoon, and in view of his pro-corporate approach to international relations, Trumpism as the policy of US, the supreme arbiter of postwar neocoloniam, will be highly detrimental from the perspective of global community. This became self-evident when Trump announced US’ formal withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement in November 2020, even as American imperialism is notorious as one of the biggest carbon emitters in the world. No doubt, US neocolonial plunder and loot of Afro-Asian-Latin American countries will contune without any letup under Trump, with its consequent manifestations in inter-imperialist contradictions.
Obviously, all neofascist regimes and far-right forces the world over are enthusiastic after Trump’s victory. This is more so in the case of India’s fascist Modi regime , patronised by RSS. Modi government’s close affinity with Trump administration during their first term itself was much discussed. More specifically, Evangelism, Zionism and Saffronism have the same wavelength in thier anti-Muslimness or Islamophobia. Modi regime’s open and secret dealings with the US-backed Zionist Netanyahu government are to be viewed in this context. Following neofascist/Islamophobic Trump ‘s victory, like the Republican-Jewish Coalition, Republican-Hindu Coalition is also poised to have a greater say in Trump’s policy-making. To be precise,  therefore, Trump’s ascendancy to power for a second term calls for resolute and concerted intervention on the part of international proletariat and oppressed peoples together with all anti-imperialist and anti-fascist revolutionary-democratic forces the world over.
Resolution Condemning MLPD’s Slanderous Attack on CPI (ML) Red Star
All India Plenum of CPI (ML) Red Star resolutely condemns the baseless and slanderous allegations on the Party by MLPD. In a  booklet entitled “Polemic of MLPD against the Attacks Coming from CPI (ML) Red Star on the MLPD and the Principles of ICOR”, and with the subtitle “Reply of the CC of MLPD to the Slanderous Attacks on ICOR and MLPD by P J James, General Secretary of CPI (ML) Red Star”, published in August 2024, a series of wild and unfounded allegations are raised by MLPD. This is in the context of a 114-page pamphlet released by CPI (ML)Red Star, highlighting MLPD’s adherence to Eurocentric approach on many international questions including that on Palestine, basic departure from Leninist position on imperialism and abandonment of the common agreement among the founding members of ICOR on its ideological-political-organisational orientation.
For instance, the Leninist slogan, “Workers and Oppressed Peoples of the World, Unite” which was adopted at the Second Congress of Comintern in 1920, that recognises the People’s Democratic Revolution (PDR) in Afro-Asian-Latin American countries as integral and inalienable component world revolution in the epoch of imperialism, was uphel by the founding Conference of ICOR in 2010. Now, using its role as Main Coordinator, the MLPD has tried to superimpose it’s Eurocentric perspective by projecting only the motto, ” Workers of the World Unite”. Later, it has even gone to the extent of arguing that the Leninist slogan noted above was aopted not by Comintern but by the Congress to the Peoples of the East held in September 1920. This is outrightly a ‘historical falsification’ which the European neofascists are regularly accustomed with.
In relation to this, the MLPD has also put forward the non-Leninist prognosis of “new imperialism”, according to which many countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America are imperialist such that majority of the world people lives in imperialist countries. Hence, MLPD has totally abandoned the very concept of PDR from its agenda, focussing only on Socialist Revolution. Moreover, it is now superimposing this erroneous formulation even in the documents of ICOR too. Obviously, CPI (ML) Red Star has been criticising this perspective since the time when MLPD put forward it.  Along with this, as already noted, regarding the Zionist genocide of Palestinian people, MLPD has been pursuing the standard Eurocentric approach of balancing Palestinian resistance forces with Zionist-imperialist axis.
On these and other fundamental ideological-political questions and related organisational approach, CPI (ML) has been engaged in an ideological debate with MLPD. Many Marxist-Leninist parties in ICOR are also in agreement with CPI (ML) Red Star’s position in this regard. However, instead of rectifying the grave errors committed by pursuing the Leninist approach of ‘conctrete analysis of the concrete situation’, MLPD is pursuing a ‘posttruth’ campaign spreading slanders and false propaganda against CPI (ML) Red Star. The booklet quoted at the outset and circulated by MLPD is the latest manifestation of this despicable move.
Therefore, the Resolution adopted on 24 November 2025, the final day of the Plenum condemns this heinous approach on the part of MLPD. We appeal to all revolutionary communist parties and organisations in ICOR to come forward exposing the non-Marxist-Leninist positions of MLPD while uniting in solidarity against imperialism and its lackeys of all hues.
In Committed Solidarity with Palestine Liberation Struggle
Down with US-led Imperialist Zionist Axis
As of now, the death toll from Zionist genocide of Palestinians in Gaza alone has reached around 45000, 70 percent of it being children and women, quite unprecedented in the history of war-crimes. Apart from direct victims, according to various estimates, death from traumatic injuries, non-communicable diseases, infections and above all from starvation come to hundreds of thousands. Still, even as UN and its agencies are exposed as mere spectators, the international community as a whole is remaining helpless. In spite of ICC’s arrest warrants on fascist Netanyahu, he is carrying on his extermination of Palestinians in violation of all international laws, with the full backing of US, world’s biggest military machine, whose “aid” to Israel alone comes to 20 percent of total Yankee allocation for foreign aid. Obviously, together with the political agenda of neo-Zionism, the decisive factor that necessitates Zionist war-crimes and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians is the interest of US Military-Industrial-Complex.
Of course, it is the flourishing far-right, reactionary, neofascist global context where the progressive and democratic forces are facing severe ideological-political setbacks that enables Israel, which in effect, is a West Asian ‘military outpost’ of US imperialism, to unleash most horrific ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. The ascendancy of neofascist and Islamophobic Trump, whose victory is also attributed to the groundwork done by the powerful Zionist lobby and the Republican-Jewish Coalition and backed by US Military-Industrial Complex, unless resisted by world people, will have its intensified adverse repercussions on the Palestinians. And, during his first term, it was Trump who facilitated the declaration of Jaruselam as Israel’s capital.
Today, while US-backed Zionists are carrying out history’s biggest war-crimes in Gaza and Lebanon in violation of UN Charter and all International Laws, not only the UN and it’s Security Council, but even the self-professed Left and progressive democratic forces are in utter confusion due to their ideological-political bankruptcy. This depiticised international  situation today is a factor that facilitates both neofascism and neo-Zionism. More despicable is the case of Indian Saffron regime that not only supplies weapons to Israel but also exports Indian workers to Israel whose fate is like cannon-fodder in the ongoing Zionist war of aggression. This position of present-day Indian fascist regime is diametrically opposite to the shining example of India’s anti-colonial leader Mahatma Gandhi who vehemently opposed the imperialist superimpostion of Israel on Palestine nation.
A revealing trend in this context is the utter ideological-political bankruptcy on the part of the so called Marxist-Leninists, especially the Eurocentric, self-professed revolutionary Left, who being along the same wave-length as Islamophobic far-right ruling sections of Europe, now resorting to a balancing between Palestinian resistance and Zionist genocide. This depoliticised Left ideologically shares the same position as that of US which abstains from UN resolutions condemning Israel, with the reasoning that they do not simultaneously condemn Hamas. This despicable position arises from the failure to comprehend and uphold the birth-right of all oppressed to resist and throw away oppression by all available means.
In this context, the All India Plenum of CPI (ML) Red Star while firmly stands for a liberated Palestine and  declares  it’s solidarity with the Palestine Liberation struggle, also calls upon all democratic forces the world over to resolutely come forward in solid support of the Palestine people and opposing the Zionist-imperialist axis that perpetrates holocausts upon holocausts on the people of Palestine.  We also appeal to all genuine left-democratic forces of the world not to fall into the trap of neutrality or balancing set by depoliticised Eurocentric Left.
Solidarity with Palestine Liberation Struggle!
Down with Neofascist Zionist Netanyahu Regime!
Down with Imperialist-Zionist-Saffron Axis!
Rise Up Against the Hindutva Fascist Offensive on Minorities, Especially on Muslims, Dalits and Women
Under Modi.3, though BJP is much short of a majority in parliament, RSS-led Hindutva is becoming more and more aggressive. Its manifestations are intensified atrocities on Muslims and other minority religions, further oppression and alienation of Dalits from the mainstream, and strengthening of patriarchy in diverse forms.
Obviously, according to the founding leaders of RSS, Muslims are India’s number one enemy. And, in the neoliberal period, together with anti-Communism,  US-led imperialism has also acknowledged anti-Muslimness or Islamophobia as the ideological basis of its neoliberal-neofascist offensive we against world people. This global context, has further facilitated RSS, through its political tool BJP, to stigmatize and target the Muslim community through many  moves such as abolition of Article  370, CAA, UCC, etc. Its latest manifestations are the tirade against Madrasas, Wakf, and the latest demolition moves against mosques. Even judicial interventions under former chief justice Chandrachud also enabled  the Hindutva forces to put their claims on historically-renowned mosques across the country, all in addition to the ‘bulldozer raj’ unleashed on Muslims, especially in UP, Gujarat and in Delhi. As the horrors of Manipur reveal, the fate of other minorities like Christians is also not different.
The ultimate aim of RSS fascism is the establishment of a Hindurashtra in which the Brahmins have hegemony over the political, economic and cultural affairs of the ‘nation’ which, the RSS founders have identified with casteism. That’s why RSS proposed Manusmriti, according to which Dalits and women are subhuman, as Indian Constitution. The RSS-sponsored Modi regime is earnestly working to accomplish this. Constitutional amendment for Economic Reservation and consequent dilution of caste-based reservation brought out by Modi regime with the backing of apex court was a strategic move in this direction, that too when more than three quarters of the top bureaucrats of the country are still Brahmins. The presence of SC/ST students in IITs, IIMs and other higher institutions are too minimal. Meanwhile, Dalits are  subjected to all forms of deprivation such as poverty landlessness, untouchability, caste oppression, etc. And amidst such rhetoric as “Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao”, women are still in the clutches of Sanatan/Manuvad- based gender discrimination, obscurantism, casteist practices and all forms of religion-based patriarchy. And there is no let up on atrocities on women like that on Dalits.
Therefore, the All India Plenum of CPI ( ML) Red Star, while declaring it’s wholehearted solidarity with the oppressed minorities, Dalits and women, appeals to all democratic and progressive forces to rise up against the fascist regime’s Islamophobic, Brahmanical and patriarchal moves and policies. Let us unite and March forward for a secular, casteless, women-friendly social order and for total elimination of all forms of religious, casteist and patriarchal oppression and discrimination.

The post All India Plenum Resolutions appeared first on CPI(ML) Red Star.

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